
Country Sides

Less populated with lot of Nature.
Stepping out from the big city like Tokyo, you will find the another beautiful face of Japan with Nature.
In modern cities, everything is globalized, but those country side cities still preserved the true color and face of traditional Japan. They offer interesting, unique and traditional moment to the travelers. See real Japan in country side. They also offer great local foods.

The contents of this Subcategory

Kyonan Town

Travel Information

Kyonan Town (鋸南町) is a port town located west side of Boso Peninsula, Chiba Pref. It has super fresh fish products from its port and great outstanding view of Tokyo Bay from Mt. Nokogiri. Mt. Nokogiri is the main feature of Kyonan Town. It is a great temple with many beautiful Buddhist statues. It has also great buddha, Daibutsu.

Tourist Info.
There is also beach, too.
Parking are available at port.

0. at Chiba Station.
1. use JR Uchibo Line to Hota Station. (1hr. 30 min.)

0. at Kurihama port of Yokosuka.
1. use Kurihama Kanaya Ferry