
Wakayama Castle

Travel Information

Wakayama Castle (和歌山城) is one of hilltop castle located in Wakayama. It was built in 1585. The lord of Wakayama castle was one of Tokugawa clan during Edo period. There are stone walls, moat and some building remaining as the original. It is chosen as one of 100 best Japanese castles and registered national historic site.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom.
Admission: 400 yen for adult, 200 yen for kids.
Time: 10:00 to 17:30 (last entry 17:00)

0. at Wakayama Station.
1. use local bus to city center.

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Map around Wakayama Castle

Detailed Travel Guide

Wakayama Castle

Type: Hilltop.
Built in: 1585 by Toyotomi Hidenaga.
Class: Reconstructed.

Wakayama Castle is the symbol of Wakayama city. It is a hill top castle constructed in 1585 by Toyotomi Hidenaga, the brother of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

In 1585, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Hidenaga conquered Kisyu. Hidenaga was give two lands after the war. Kii and Izumi. Hidenaga built a new castle on Mt Torafuse (49m high) and named this land Wakayama.

After the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Asano Yukignaga became the lord of Wakayama. In 1619, the son of Tokugawa Ieyasu who is the first Shogun of Tokugawa, Tokugawa Yorinobu became the lord of Kisyu.

Kisyu Tokugawa clan was one of the Shogun family that had many Tokugawa Shogun during Edo period.

-Okaguchi mon Gate-
It was built in 1621.

It was built in the early Edo period. It was used to be the retirement house for the lord of Wakayama. Because it has a beautiful Koyo, it is called Koyo Valley Garden.