

Travel Information

Seki-juku(関宿) is one of the greatest remaining post town of Tokaido Road. Seki-juku is 47th post town from Edo, Tokyo, on Tokaido Road located in Kameyama, Mie Prefecture. It is about 2km long and there are many traditional buildings are remaining and creats the view of Edo period. Because of this town's scnery is highly preserved in a great condition, this town is registered as the Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. When you walk around this town, you feel like walking in old time of Japan.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.

0. at Yokkaichi Station.
1. use JR Kansai line to Seki Station.
2. walk north.

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Map around Seki-juku

Detailed Travel Guide


Seki-juku is 47th post town of Tokaido Road located in Kameyama, Mie Prefecture. It was used to be the important location for the transportation because there are brunch to Ise Road and Yamato Road.

Seki-juku is the biggest remaining post town of Tokaido Road. There are many traditional buildings in this town.

Jizoin Temple
It was established in 741. The main hall, the bell tower and other temple were constructed in early 17th century and registered as national caltural assets.

There is an observatory that you can see the twon from high angle.

At the east side of Brunch place, there is a large Torii gate. This Torii gate is made from the wood from the grand shrine of Ise. The wood was replaced when Shikinen Sengu held and all of the buildings are rebuild, they used those used wood to built this gate.

There are historical museums.