
Sefa Utaki

Travel Information

Sefa Utaki (斎場所御嶽) is one of the historic site located Nanjo, Okinawa Prefecture. It is considered as the most sacred place in Okinawa. It is registered as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are 6 religious reception area. All of the area is created under huge rocks. Especially, Sangui has great worshipping zone that is created by the tunel of giant rocks. At the worshipping area, you can see Kudaka Island. It was used to be only women allowed.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom.
Admission: 200 yen for adults and 100 yen for kids. Thre is a group disscount.
Time: 9:00 to 18:00
Don't disturb the prayers.
Don't take out any thing at this site.

0. at Naha Airport.
1. use local bus No.38 to Seifa Utakimae.
2. walk



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Map around Sefa Utaki

Detailed Travel Guide

Sefa Utaki

Sefa Utaki is located Nanjo, Okinawa Prefecture. It is designated as the part of Sites Gusuku et biens associés du royaume des Ryukyu of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It was used to be the religious area of Ryukyu Kingdom and considered as the most sacred place in Okinawa, and only women were allowed to enter.

The site of Sefa Utaki is locaetd in the small mountain of Chinen Peninsula. There are many huge rocks that also help to create the reception area. Many of the important Ryukyu ritual ceremony were held at this place. Todya, many people still respect this place.

There are 2 stalactites that drops the sacred water to pots. The triangle tunel that is the gate of worshipping area. At the worshipping area, you can see Kudaka Island.
Note: Do not touch the pots and water.