

Travel Information

Sagano (嵯峨野) is an old post town located in west side of Kyoto. It has many traditional buildings and historical temples. The road with those classic views matches Kimono Walk perfectly. Around the first Torii gate of Atago Shrine is registered as the national preserved scenery with traditional buildings. Sagano remains the old atmosphere of Kyoto with many historical buildings and old temples.

Tourist Info.
There is no parking.
There is restroom.

0. at Kyoto Station.
1. use Kyoto Bus 72 or 74 to Toriimoto (1 hr.)
1. use JR Sanyo Line to Saga-Arashiyama.
2. walk north (30 min.)

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Map around Sagano

Detailed Travel Guide


Sagano is one of the best spot to visit with Kimono. Around the 1st Torii gate, there are many traditional buildings. The scenery of this classic view is preserved. There is free resting place and craft museum that built in Meiji period.

Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple
… is one of the oldest temple in Kyoto. It was established over 1,200 years ago by Priest Kukai. There are over 8,000 graves and towers in this temple.

Gioji Temple
It is one of "Heikemonogatari," spots. Popular Koyo spots.

Nisonin Temple
… is Tendai Buddhism Temple established in the mid 9th century. Twin Nyorai Statues are the principal images. It is also very famous for its beautiful Koyo. It is also known as the birthplace of Agura An.

… is a Japanese garden with concept of Wabi. The house was built by the student of Matsuo Basho. Basho stayed at this house many times. Therefore, the garden has all kinds of seasonable flowers for "Haiku." Shishiodosi of Rakushisya is one of the most famous one in Kyoto.

Jyojakkoji Temple
… is another Koyo spot in Sagano. This temple was established in 16th century.