
Negoroji temple

Travel Information

Negoroji temple (根来寺) is one of the most popular temples located in Wakayama Prefecture. It was established in 1130 by Priest Gakushin. It has appeared in the many scenes of Japanese History. There are many buildings is registered as national historical assets. Also, the scenery of Negoroji is registered as national scenic beauty. During Sengoku period, many monks here fought against Daimyo with many guns.

Visitor's Info.
There are parking and restroom.
Admission: 500 yen. Kid's free.
There is a group discount.
Time: 9:10 to 16:30 (Apr. to Oct.) 16:00 (Nov. to Mar.)

0. at Wakayama Station.
1. use JR Hanwa Line to Kii Station.
2. use a local bus to Negoro.

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Map around Negoroji temple

Detailed Travel Guide

Negoroji temple
Negoroji temple was top temple of Singi-Shingon Buddhism located in Iwade, Wakayama Prefecture. It was established in 1130 by Priest Gakushin. Priest Gakushin was used to be the top of Koyasan Kongobuji temple. He tried to correct discipline of Koyasan, but other monks went against him. Therefore, he had to move hout from Koyasan and he moved this place and found Negoroji.

During the Muromachi period to Sengoku period, there is a huge temple around Negoroji with many monk soldiors. Especially, in Sengoku period, Negoroji had many guns and a strong gunnery with 10,000 gunners. Because they were too powerful, eventually, Negoro Monks were defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

In Edo period, it was respected by Kishu Tokugawa Clan that is the lord of Wakayama Prefecture. There are many traditional buildings and treasures including Daito, the big tower, that is registered as the national treasure.

Constructed in 1547 and registered as National Treasure. It is 40m tall that is the tallest wooden Tahoto Tower in Japan.

The Main Hall
Constructed in 1827.

Daimon Gate
Constructed in 1850.

Fudo do
Constructed in 1850.

Constructed 1801.