
Nagaoka Fireworks

Travel Information

Nagaoka Fireworks (長岡花火) is one of the best fireworks in Japan. It happens at August 2 and 3. There are about 20,000 fireworks light the night of Nagaoka over Shinano River. About 37 program with many star-mines and large scale firewroks. Also, Niagara Fireworks are very famous in this festival.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.
Food stand as well.
It will be hyper clouded and traffic.
There are free observertory space and paid seats.
Period: August 2 to 3.
Time: 19:00 to 21:00

Join the tour at Shiki tabi
0. at Nagaoka Station.
1. walk west.


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Map around Nagaoka Fireworks

Detailed Travel Guide

Nagaoka Fireworks

Nagaoka Fireworks is one of three major Japanese Fireworks and one of three major Niigata Firewroks. This fireworks started since 1946 for the restoration from the lost of WWII. It happens from Augst 2 to 3 and total 20,000 fireworks fire at the riverside of Shinano River. About 1 million people join this festival.

There are over 35 fireworks programs including many star-mines. There are two large bridges and Niagara Fireworks falls on the both bridge. Also, 90cm and 300kg large fireworks are so great!

Official Web