
The Mt. Kobo Trekking

Travel Information

The Mt. Kobo Trekking (弘法山トレッキング) is one of the popular and easy hiking spot in Kanagawa Prefecture. It is about 12km long trekking with a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji. There are many benches and tables for lunch. The course is long but the altitude difference is not so high, therefore it is very easy. Also, Mt. Kobo is very close from Hadano Station.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.

0. at Odawara Station.
1. use Odakyu Line to Hadano Station.
2. walk east 6 min.


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Detailed Travel Guide

The Mt. Kobo Trekking

Altitude difference: 243m
Distance: 7.5km
Mt. Kobo is one of the Sakura mountain located in Kanagawa Prefecture. This trekking walk from Mt. Asama, Mt. Gongen, Mt. Kobo and Mt. Azuma. It is very easy because starts and ending points are very close from the station.
Mt. Gongen has an observatory that has a great view of Mt. Fuji.

Mt. Kobo
Legend said, Priest Kobo practiced in this mountain in 8th to 9th century.

Mt. Azuma
In Japanese Myth, Yamatotakerunomikoto prayed for his lost wife and wrote a poem at this mountain.