
Katayama House

Travel Information

Katayama House (旧片山家住宅) is one of remaining Edo style houses in Fukiya. It is designated as the national important property. This house is over 200 years old. Katayama family was one of the Bengara Produce. They produced Bengara for over 200 years, and they built this house with the money they made. Today, it opens for public.

Tourist Info.
Admission: 300 yen (available for both Folk Museum)

0. at Okayama Station.
1. use JR Hakubi Line to Bitchu Takahashi.
2. use bus to Fukiya Furusatomura.

Better to visit by a car.

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Katayama House

Katayama House was used until 10th generation and donated to the city of Takahashi. It was not built in single construction. It was extended three times. Katayama family spent their fortune which made from Bengara Production for this house.

The main feature of this house is Ranma, Kugikakushi and glasses. They have Katayama's family emblems.

Another feature of this house is Namako wall. Namako wall is a wall covered with Kawara and plaster. It remains in great condition.

At the backyard of this house, there is a Kura, a storage which is used as the display rooms for all related items of Katayama's Bengara factory.