

Travel Information

Kashiyayokocho is the small destrict dedicated to the Japanese sweets. You can check out almost all kinds of Japanese sweet from traditional sweets to modern sweets. Those price are very reasonable. Most of the traditional Japanese sweets are produced here in this place. So, they are very fresh. Some of the snacks are even bigger than American snacks. If you have a hunger for Japanese sweets, this is the great place to begin with.
Tourist Info.
Kawagoe is famous for its sweet potatoes, and on the local "Candy Street" one can find such treats as sweet potato chips, sweet potato ice cream, sweet potato coffee, and even sweet potato beer, brewed at the local Koedo Brewery.
0. at Omiya St.
1. use JR Saikyo Line to Kawagoe St. (18 min.)
2. walk north (30 min.)

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Map around Kashiya-Yokocho

Detailed Travel Guide


Kashiya Yokocho (菓子屋横丁) is the famous sweet district next to Kurazukuri strip. It used to produce many sweets to Tokyo. These days they still produce many sweets. It was chosen as 100 best flavor spots of Japan. Mostly sweets produced here are for Dagashiya which is the low price snack shop. Some of the sweets are same form and taste for half- century. The sweets are not traditional, but you can enjoy the sweets of 50s here.
There are dozens of sweets shops. Most of the sweets are hot and fresh. All of the sweets are very low price. 1,000 yen (app. 10USD) are enough to get eat all sweets you want.