
Kakegawa Castle

Informasi Wisata

Kakegawa Castle (掛川城) is located in Kakegawa city, Shizuoka. It was built in1469 to 1487 by Asahina Yasuhiro. During the Sengoku Period, it was the battleground state for Imagawa, Takeda and Tokugawa. It was reconstructed in 1994. There is Ninomaru Goten which built in 1861 and stone walls and moat are still remains. It is chosen as one of the 100 castles (42nd).

Tourist Info.
There is a parking and restroom. Admission for Tenshu: 300 yen for adults, and 150 yen for kids.

0. at Hamamatsu Station
1. use JR Tokaido Line to Kakegawa (26 min.)
2. walk north (15 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Kakegawa Castle

Castle Type: Hilltop
Statement: Reconstructed
Built in : 1469 to 1487

Kakegawa Castle was located in East Tonoe on the Tokaido Way and it was very important place because it was the border of three regions. It was originally built by Asahina Yasuhiro, one of the chef Samurai of Imagawa. In 1568, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Takeda Shingen attacked this area, and after the long battle, it became Ieyasu's castle. Under the hard battle state between Shingen and Ieyasu, it was never fallen. In 1590, Ieyasu moved his home ground to Kanto, Edo, Yamanouchi Kazutoyo moved in Kakegawa Castle and built new castle. The current Castle Statement is based on his castle.

Current Tenshu is made by wood. This is the first wooden Castle after WWII.