
Tsukimachi Waterfall in Mito


Tsukimachi Falls (月待の滝, tsukimachinotaki) is located at far north of Ibaraki prefecture. It has 17m (53 ft.). There are three falls, two of them are called husband and wife falls, and after rain the third fall appears. The third fall was called child fall. So, these falls are prayed for having baby.
You can access to the behind the falls. At fall, you can enjoy great autumn color around this falls. In the winter, they will be frozen up.

Tourist info.
There are parking, restaurants and gift shops.

0. at Mito Station.
1. use JR Suigun Line to Shimonomiya Station (1hr. 45min.)
2. use bus to Fukurodanotaki (15min.)


Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!


Tsukimachi Waterfall in Mito

This fall is great to visit on fall because there are many autumn trees. In fall, entire falls will be change color to red. Also, in the winter, the fall will be frozen up.

There is great soba restaurant right next to the fall. You should check fresh soba when you visit here.