Hongakuji is the original temple of Nichiren Buddhism. After Nichirenshonin moved to Yamanashi, it became brunch temple for prayers who cannot travel to Yamanashi by having Nichiren's born in the temple. That's why it called Higashi minobu (東身延). The place is very old, however many of temples and building are built recently. Like main temple, it was built about 100 years ago. The main gate however, it was built at Edo period.
Hongakuji, the name of temple, was named by Nichide (日出) for Nichiren Buddhism at 1436.
The Buddha statue in the temple is one of the important treasure of the city which made about 600 years ago. The hanging bell is made at 1410.
The temple is very close from Kamakura Station, and it has many treasures from old time in Japan.