
Urami Waterfall

Informasi Wisata

Urami waterfall (裏見の滝, uraminotaki) is one of the three great waterfalls in Nikko. It is located in the small valley of Nikko. Because it is located in the valley, it is very quiet and cool even in summer. It has 20m (66 ft.) high, and 2m (6 ft.) width. There are many unnamed waterfalls around the fall, and on the way to the fall. Japanese famous poet, Matsuo Basho (松尾芭蕉) visited this fall and made a poem.

Tourist Info.
There are free parking and restroom. On the way to the fall, you have to walk in the valley.

0. at Nikko Station
1. use Tobunikko bus to Uramidakiiriguchi (10 min.)
2. walk north (40 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Urami Waterfall

Not many people visit this fall. So, you can enjoy quiet moment here. It used to be able to access behind the fall, but at 1902, there was a minor rock falls and closed the access to the back spot.

Japanese famous poet, Matsuo Basho (松尾芭蕉) visited this fall and made a poem. You may come up your new poem here.

Poem of Matsuo Basho

"暫時(しばらく)は瀧に籠るや夏(げ)の初(は じめ)"

Beginning of summer stay this waterfall for a while.