
Marugame Castle

Informasi Wisata

Marugame Castle (丸亀城) is one of 12 existed remaining Sengoku castles. It is a hilltop castle located in Kagawa prefecture. The Tenshu-kaku was built in 1660 by Kogoku clan. The castle was built on Mt. Kameyama which is 66m high. The stone walls of Marugame castle has 60m high in total. It is the tallest stone walls in Japan. The entire site of the castle is registered as historical places. Not only Tenshukaku, but the gates, samurai houses are also the original buildings.

Tourist Info.
Admission for Tenshukaku: 200 yen for adult, 100 for Kids.
Open from 9:00 to 16:30 (last entry 16:00)
There is parking (9:00 to 17:00).

0. at Takamatsu Castle.
1. use JR Yosan Line to Marugame (49 min.)
2. walk south (5 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Marugame Castle

Type: Hilltop Castle.
Built in: early Muromachi Period.
Class: Existed remaining Castle.

In early Muromachi period, Nara Motoyasu built a castle at this place.

In 1597, Ikuma Masachika was given the land of Takamatsu, and he extended this castle as his brunch castle. Current structure was completed in 1602.

In 1615, Tokugawa government ordered to destroy this castle, but the lord of Takamatsu hided this castle with many trees to avoid the destruction.

... was built in 1660. It is 3 stories high.

Oteninomon gate
this is gate is original building.

Stone walls
... is the tallest stone walls in Japan. These walls were constructed in 1673.