
Hirayu Great Falls

Informasi Wisata

Hirayu Great Falls (平湯大滝) is one of 100 best Japanese waterfalls located Okuhida, Gifu pref. It is also chosen as 50 best water of Gifu. It is 64m high and 6m wide. This waterfalls has the seasonable aspects. In Spring to Summer, it has beautiful green leaves. In Autumn, it will be surrounded by great Koyo. In winter, this falls will be frozen up. In February, there is a light-up for this waterfalls.

Tourist Info.
There is a parking (500 yen) and restroom.
There is a shuttle bus from parking to the fall (100 yen)

0. Takayama Station
1. use Nohi Bus to Hirayu Busterminal (50 min.)
2. walk (25 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Hirayu Great Falls

Discovery of Hirayu Onsen.
-Tale of Shirozaru (white monkey)-
"Long ago, about four hundreds and fifty years ago, exhausted soldiers from the land of Kai who just attacked in to Hida found their way to Hirayu Great Falls at last. As they were looking at the waterfalls blankly, an old white monkey came down from behind the waterfalls and it led the soldiers to a hot spring in the mountain." It said that was how people discovered the Hirayu Onsen.