
Hananobe no Sato Garden

Informasi Wisata

Hananobe no Sato Garden (花野辺の里) is Japanese garden located in Katsuora Chiba. It has many flowers bloom for each season. In Spring, there are Sakura, Ume and Tsutsuji bloom. In Summer, Ajisai bloom. This garden is very famous for Ajisai flowers. Also, you can enjoy Autumn Leaves. Also, there is Hinaningyo doll museum which have hundreds of Hinaningyo doll.

Tourist Info.
Admission fee: 600 yen for adult and 400 for kids.
Open:07:30 to 16:30
Parking available.

0. at Kisarazu Station
1. use JR Uchibo Line to Soga (30 min.)
2. use JR Sotobo Line to Katsuura (1hr. 20min.)
3. walk (40 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Hananobe no Sato Garden

Hananobe no Sato Garden is not only flower garden but it has also restaurant, tea house, spa, camping place and museum. Not only Ajisai or Sakura, it have many Japanese flowers of moutain. In summer, because it is open for camping, many families visit here and enjoy camping.

There are many flower festival hold in this garden.
Ume and Nanohana Festival: end of February to middle of March
Sakura Festival: end of March to beginning of April
Ajisai Festival: June to July
Hagi Festival: end of September to end of October
Koyo Festival: end of November

Official web site: