
Gotanda Summarized

Informasi Wisata

Gotanda (五反田) is the one of the typical town in Tokyo. There are the internet cafe. There are arcades. There are Ramen restaurant. There are BBQ. There are Japanese style Bar & Grill. There are convenience stores. There are Pachinko. There are Karaoke box. You will find out at Gotanda what is the typical town in Tokyo.
Tourist info.
Gotanda is a busy but unfashionable neighborhood in the Shinagawa ward of Tokyo, Japan. The name "Gotanda" can be literally translated as "a (rice) paddy of half-hectare's size".
0. Start at Tokyo Station
1. use JR Yamanote line to Gotanda (15 min.)


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Gotanda Summarized

Gotanda is the one of the typical town in Tokyo. There are the internet cafe. There are arcades. There are Ramen restaurant. There are BBQ. There are Japanese style Bar & Grill. There are convenience stores. There are Pachinko. There are Karaoke box. You will find out at Gotanda what is the typical town in Tokyo.
Tourist info.
Gotanda is a busy but unfashionable neighborhood in the Shinagawa ward of Tokyo, Japan. The name "Gotanda" can be literally translated as "a (rice) paddy of half-hectare's size".
Gotanda has great shopping arcade. Over 140 shops are opened. There are many great Ramen restaurants.
Gotanda has great access to the Haneda Airport, Shibuya and Shinagawa.