
Akima Plum Forest

Informasi Wisata

Akima Plum Forest (秋間梅林, akimabairin) is one of the major Japanese Plume spot in Gunma Prefecture. It is also well known in Kanto area. In Akima Bairin, over 3,5000 "Ume," Japanese Plums are planted. This forest is actually the plum farm for Ume. During the Ume blossom season, the farmers sale great Ume products here, especially Ume Boshi, salty plum, is very delicious.

From the end of February to middle of March, there are many kinds of festival are held in here.

Tousit Indo.
There are many food stand and gift shops open during the festival.
Free parking.

0. at Maebashi Station
1. use JR Ryomo Line to Takasaki (14 min.)
2. use JR Shinetsu Line to Annaka Station (22 min.)
3. use Local bus to Akima Bairin (20 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Akima Plum Forest

Blossom Festival is held in March 1. There are demonstration of Japanese durms, songs, and free Amazake (Sweet non-alconoci Sake).

March 8: Imoni kai (Potato party)
March 20: Japanese Pun cake party
March 22: Model shooting
Note: the date of the festival is based on the schedule of 2009.

You can buy great Ume Boshi here. Also, you can buy Ume tree for you own garden.