
Omiya Yokocho


Omiya Yokocho (お宮横丁) is a small food district located in front of Sengen Daisya. It is specified for Fujinomiya Yakisoba. Fujinomiya Yakisoba is a special chow mein of Fujinomiya. There are 10 food stands and gift shop that sell local food and gift of Shizuoka. There is a spring water that come from Mt. Fuji. It's great place for Yakisoba Lovers.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom at Sengen Shrine.
Open: 10:30 to 17:30

0. at Fuji Station.
1. use Minobu Line to Fujinomiya.
2. walk west.

Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!

周围的地图 Omiya Yokocho


Omiya Yokocho

It's all about Yakisoba. There is tables and chairs for enjoying foods. You can drink water of Mt. Fuji.

Fujinomiya Yakisoba Gakkai: Fujinomiya Yakisoba Shop.
Pukuichi: Japanese sweets shop.
Pork Shrine: You can eat all porks of the world.
Musubiya: Yakisoba, Dango, Tenmusu.
Nijimasu Bunkiten: Rainbow trout.
Kitagawa: GIft Shop.
Sugimoto: Yakisoba shop.
Daikichiya: Other Shizuoka Delicacy.
