
Bandai Bridge


Bandai Bridge (萬代橋) is one of the symbol of Niigata city. The first bridge was built as one of the first western style bridge in Japan. The current bridge is 1929 and registered as a road construction heritage of Japan.

Tourist Info.
There is no restroom or bathroom.

0. at Niigata Station.
1. walk north (20 min.)

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the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!

周围的地图 Bandai Bridge


Bandai Bridge

Bandai Bridge was built accross Shinano River. It is a stone made arche shape bridge. It is the symbol of Niigata City. The bridge has powerful look and strong structure. The original bridge was constructed in 1886 as one of the first western style bridge. The current bridge was constructed in 1929.

It is registered as the national important cultural asset.