
Sakura at Shiroyamainari


Sakura at Shiroyamainari (城山稲荷神社) is one of the Sakura spot in Saitama. There is small but beautiful Sakura avenue. This Inari Shrine was established in the end of Sengoku period.

Tourist Info.
There is parking.
No restroom.

0. At Kumagaya Station.
1. use JR Takasaki Line to Honjo.
2. walk 15 min.

Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!

周圍的地圖 Sakura at Shiroyamainari


Sakura at Shiroyamainari

Shiroyama Inari Shrine was established in 1556 by Honjo Sanetada. He built this shrine for the protector of Honjo castle. Large Keyaki tree is another feature of this shrine.

There is also Hachiman shrine that is built in 1605.