
Ogawa no Sho Making Oyaki


Ogawa no Sho Making Oyaki (小川の庄おやき作り体験) is popular experiencing Japanese Food Culture. Ogawa no Sho is Oyaku store located in Nagano city, Nagano Prefecture. Oyaki is the local food of Nagano. It is steamed bread with Sweet beans or vegetable inside. It is cooked by Irori which is the Japanese style fireplace. It is very healthy and tasty food. You can try to make 2 style Oyaki under the expert and it takes about 30 min. It is an excellent experiencing to enjoy Japanese local food culture. This store also sales many traditional Oyaki and local foods of Nagano.

Tourist Info.
There is no parking. There is restroom.
Fee: 1,704 Yen.
Time: 9:30 to 16:30
Takes about 30 min. and you can eat at the shop or take home.

0. at Nagano Station.
1. use a local bus to Daimonmae.
2. walk

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周圍的地圖 Ogawa no Sho Making Oyaki


Ogawa no Sho Making Oyaki
Ogawa no Sho is Oyaki Store located in the main street of Zenkoji Temple. Oyaki is a popular local food of Nagano Prefecture. It is a steamed bread ball with many kinds of ingredients, mostly Nozawana that is the popular vegetable in Nagano. This food has a history of over 5000 years old and one of the oldest food culture that is still carried on today.

They still cook the traditional way that uses Irori and all the natural food products.

At the shop, you can experience cooking Oyaki.

Official Web