
Hiking at Mt. Chojagatake


Mt. Chojagatake (長者ヶ岳) is one of the great hiking with a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji located on the west side of Mt. Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture. The route is about 10km long and it takes about 5 hours of hiking. The altitude of Mt. Chojagatake is 1,336m. This hiking trail starts from Lake Tanuki that has a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji. Also, on the trial and the top of Mt. Chojagatake, you can see a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.
The time: 5 hours.
Level: Intermediate level.
The total altitude different: 930m

Need a car.
Drive route 139 north and change to Lake Tanuki.

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周圍的地圖 Hiking at Mt. Chojagatake


Hiking at Mt. Chojagatake
Mt. Chojagatake and Mt. Tenshigatake hiking trail is a popular hiking trail located in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is a circuit trail to visit both mountains and lake Tanuki. Each spot has a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji.

Course Time: about 5 hours.
Total length: about 10 km
Level: Intermediate level.
The total altitude different: 930m
Mt. Chojagatake: 1,336m
Mt. Tenshigatake: 1,330m

The Route
Start at Lake Tanuki parking
Mt. Chojagatake (2 hours)
Mt. Tenshigatake (1 hour)
Back to Lake Tanuki (2 hours)