
Fujiwara Old Palace


Fujiwara Kyo Palace (藤原京) is the old capital and imperial palace of Japan from 691 to 710. It was built by Empress Jito and the capital of Japan through Empress Jito, Emperor Monmu and Empress Genmei. The palace is 900m square meters wide and surrounded by the walls and moats. It was not only the imperial palace, it was also the center of the imperial court and the government.

Tourist Info.
There are parking.
Parking closed at 17:00

0. at Kashihara Jingumae Station.
1. use Kintetsu Line Kashihara Line to Yaginishiguchi station.
2. walk east.

Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!

周圍的地圖 Fujiwara Old Palace


Fujiwara Old Palace
Fujiwarakyo is one of the Japanese capital during the end of 7th century to early 8th century. This is the first Japanese capital after the power of the emperor reached to all over Japan, and the structure and composition took the same design as the Chinese capital and palace. It was built by the Empress Jito in 694 and used until 710. When Empress Genmei moved the capital to Nara, Heijo Palace, this palace was abandoned and lost in 711.