
Mt. Makuyama Hiking

Informasi Wisata

Mt. Makuyama Hiking (幕山ハイキング) is one of the beginner hiking courses located in Yugawara, Kanagawa Prefecture.
It is a 626m mountain and 160 min. route for beginners. From late February, you can also enjoy beautiful plums.
The parking space will be charged during the plum season.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and a restroom.

0. at Odawara Station.
1. use JR Tokaido Line to Yugawara station.
2. use a local bus to Yugawara Bairin.

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Detailed Travel Guide

Mt. Makuyama Hiking
Height: 626m.
The altitude difference: is about 440m
Time: 3 hours.
Level: for beginners.

Makuyama is located in Yugawara, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is also a popular hiking spot in Western Kanagawa Prefecture. It is about 160 min. long hiking. The entire distance is 5km. From the top of the mountain, you can see Manazuru peninsula.