
Hikagemichi Road

Informasi Wisata

Hikagemichi Road (日陰道) is one of the Hydrangea spots located in Isehara, Kanagawa Prefecture. There are about 300 Ajisai trees that bloom in June to July. It is also known as the historic site of Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first Shogun of Samurai. Therefore, it is chosen as one of 50 Kanagawa's old trails.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.

0. at Odawara Station.
1. use Odakyu line to Isehara satation.
2. use bus to Hinatayakushi.

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Detailed Travel Guide

Hikagemichi Road
Hikage-michi Road is the leading road of Hinata Yakushi Temple. First Samurai Shogun, Minamoto no Yoritomo used this road when he worshiped at Hinata Yakushi Temple for his daughter's safe recovery.

This pass is very famous for its Hydrangea and Spider lily.