
Sakura at Guhoji Temple

Informasi Wisata

Guhoji (弘法寺の桜) is a famous Cherry Blossom Spot located in Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture. There is a 400 years old beautiful Sakura Tree in this temple That blooms around the end of March. Also about 200 Sakura Trees in this temple.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.

0. at Chiba Station.
1. use JR Sobu Line to Ichikawa Station.
2. walk north.

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Detailed Travel Guide

Sakura at Guhoji Temple
Gohoji is one of the olde temples established by Priest Kukai. The main sweeping Sakura is called, Fushihime Sakura that is about 400 years old beautiful Sakura. It blooms earlier than other Sakura. There are also about 200 Sakura Trees.