

Informasi Wisata

Fukaya-juku (深谷宿) is one of the post towns of Nakasendo Road located in Fukaya, Saitama Prefecture. It is 9th post town from Edo. It is also known as the town of bricks. There are many unique buildings and traditional buildings remaining from Old Edo Post Town.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.

0. at Kumagaya Station.
1. use JR Takasaki Line to Fukaya Station.

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Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.

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Detailed Travel Guide

Fukaya-juku is 9th post town of Nakasendo Road located in Fukaya, Saitama Prefecture. It is also known as the town of Shibusawa Eiichi who is considered as the father of Westernization of Japan. Fukaya has known as the manufacturing the bricks. Therefore, there are many unique brick buildings including the station.

Old Sake Brewery is now also open as the visitor's center.