
How to dance Kagoshima OharaBushi


Kagoshima Ohara Bushi (鹿児島おはら節) is a dance of Kagoshima. It uses local song of Kagoshima. Dance is very simple, but very rhythmical, as well.

Level: 01 Easy
Type: Rhythmical

Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!


How to dance Kagoshima OharaBushi

Face to the direction (clockwise), and count 4.
Clap, clap and clap.
Make 4 big circles in front from right step.
Step back from right foot and shade face with left hand.
Step 3 from right and swing and flip hands.
Draw Mt. Fuji from left foot, and step back.
Clap, clap and clap.
Make 4 big circles in front from right step.
Step back from right foot and shade face with left hand.
Step 3 from right and swing and flip hands.
Draw Mt. Fuji from left foot, and step back.