
How to cook Tendon


Tendon is a rice bowl with Special Sauced Tenpura. It is one of the best way to enjoy eating Tenpura.

Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


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How to cook Tendon

- Tenpura (any kinds you like)
- Soy Sauce (2 large table spoons)
- Mirin (6 large tabel spoons)
- Sugar (2 large table spoons)
- Dashinomoto (1 small table spoons)

Making Special Tendon Sauce.

Add 6 large table spoons of Mirin and boil it until all Sake vaporize (takes 1 or 2 min.).
Stop the fire and
Add 2 large table spoons of Soy Sauce.
Add 1 small table spoon of Dashinomoto.
Add 2 large table spoons of Sugar.
Then boil it until all sugar dissolve and thickened.

Prepare a bowl with rice and pour the sauce over the rice.

Put Tenpura over the rice and pour the sauce again.

That's it.