
Kofun of Emperor Monmu


Kofun of Emperor Monmu (文武天皇陵) is the Mausoleum of Emperor Monmu located in Asuka, Nara prefecture. Emperor Monmu was passed way in 707 and buried at this place. He was the 42nd Emperor of Japan.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom at Asuka History park.

0. at Kashiharajingumae Station.
1. use Kintetsu Line to Asuka.
2. walk (20 min.)

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周围的地图 Kofun of Emperor Monmu


Kofun of Emperor Monmu

This kofun is also called Hinokuma-no-ako-no-oka-no-ue-no-misasagi. Emperor Monmu passed away in June 707, and burned at Asuka Hill.

Emperor Monmu is the grand son of Emperor Tenmu and Empress Jito.