
Toyokuni Shrine

Informasi Wisata

Toyokuni Shrine (豊国神社), enshrines Toyotomi Hideyoshi, located in Kyoto. It was established in 1599 after the death of Hideyoshi. Karamon gate of this shrine is registered as the National Treasure of Japan. It was originally constructed at Fushimi Castle and removed to this shrine. It is also called "Hokokusan" with full of respects and love to Hideyoshi. Many Hideyoshi Fans visit here to pray for their success according to his success.

Visitor's Info.
There is parking, but no restroom.
Museum: 300 yen for adult.
Open: 9:00 to 16:30.

0. at Kyoto Station.
1. walk west (20 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Toyokuni Shrine

Enshrines: Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Established in: 1599.
Reisai: September 18.

Toyokuni Shrine is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto. It enshrines Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died and buried at Mt. Amidagamine. To protect his grave, this shrine was built as the mausoleum. Hideyoshi was entitled "Sho-ichii," the highest class of Japanese nobility by Emperor Goyozei. He became one of Japanese gods, and named "Houkoku Daimyojin."

However, after the fall of Toyotomi clan, this temple was abandoned in Edo period.

In 1880, Toyokuni Shrine was re-established at the ruins of Hokoji Daibutsuden that is the current location.

This gate was originally located in Fushimi Castle. Later, it was removed to Nijo castle, Nanzenji temple, then removed to Toyokuni Shrine. There are two toro in front of the gate. They were donated by Daimyo of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.